New York state assemblymember Richard Brodsky, who you may remember from past fireworks-laden public hearings, has guaranteed that his hastily called hearing tomorrow on the Yankees and Mets stadium financing will have plenty of sturm und drang, by subpoenaing city development chief Seth Pinsky and Yankees president Randy Levine to force their attendance. One can only hope that Levine’s testimony will consist of standing on his chair, pointing at Brodsky, and shouting, “Liar, liar, pants on fire!“
Also today, city comptroller William Thompson, who’s challenging Michael Bloomberg in this year’s mayoral race (Brodsky, for his part, may be preparing a run for attorney general), has called for Thursday’s hearing on the stadium bonds to be postponed so that the city can negotiate a better deal: “Incredibly, the Yankees are asking for more money and the city is giving it to them without asking for anything in return.” Thompson has one vote on the 15-member IDA board.
I’ll be in attendance at both hearings, and will report back here as soon as I get a free moment and an Internet connection. If you don’t see any news from me here, you can always check the Village Voice blog to see if I’ve posted there.