VA Beach mayor, Comcast plan joint arena announcement tonight

Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms and Comcast/Spectactor are set to issue a joint statement tonight on their attempts to build an NBA arena. The statement is set to be issued at a city council hearing that starts at 6 pm and … that’s all we’ve got, really. This could be just about anything: an announcement that the Sacramento Kings are ready to move in once an arena is built, that a team has committed to move in if there’s an arena without giving any details, that enough progress has been made that Sessoms has agreed to extend his deadline, or even that nothing has been accomplished but that everyone will reconvene at a later time to try again. Or, I suppose, they could be announcing that nothing’s gotten done and everyone is giving up, but 1) it seems odd that Comcast/Spectacor would be present for that, and 2) at no point has it seemed like Sessoms is ever going to give up, no matter how many ultimatums he issues.

Anyway, we’ll know more tonight. If I had to put my money somewhere, it’d be on “vague pronouncement of progress that’s enough to keep pushing forward,” but I’ll freely admit that that’s nothing more than a total guess based on the other options seeming even less likely.

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