When news broke last week that Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank was considering accepting $100 million less in public money for a stadium in order to get quick approval of a deal, it seemed … “too good to be true” is probably pushing it, but a welcome surprise, anyway. In any case, it apparently was too good to be true: According to Atlanta business reporter Maria Saporta, Blank would still get $300 million worth of stadium subsidies, even as the city sold only $200 million worth of bonds.
Here’s how it works: In the Falcons’ original deal with the state George World Congress Center Authority, writes Saporta, any excess money collected from the hotel-motel tax revenue stream that would fund the public’s share of the stadium project “would go into a ‘waterfall’ fund that would go to pay for other debt on the project, or go into a refurbishment and maintenance reserve account, or go into a fund for capital improvements.” That remains the case in the new plan, which means that if enough tax money to pay off $300 million in expenses is collected as expected, Blank would get his $200 million in bonds plus a $100 million slush fund to spend on improvements to the stadium later on.
Saporta’s article isn’t clear on everything — for one thing, on what would happen if the hotel tax revenue fell short, under either the old plan or the new plan. (I just gave the Falcons term sheet a quick read, and didn’t find anything in there, though it does say the state wouldn’t guarantee the bonds if tax revenues weren’t sufficient.)
But the main point holds regardless: The Falcons deal isn’t actually a $200 million subsidy, or a $300 million subsidy. It’s a deal to take 39.3% of hotel-motel tax proceeds and hand it over to the Falcons for the next 30 years. How much that’s worth — $200 million or $300 million or, if suddenly everybody decides to spend all their vacation time at Atlanta hotels to avoid rising sea levels or something, far more than that — is entirely unknown, but whatever it comes to, Blank will get to spend it on his new toy, either now or later.
Last week’s announcement, then, appears to be a massive bait and switch, geared to avoiding a state legislative vote on raising the GWCCA’s bonding limit, without actually costing Blank a penny in subsidies. And if it hasn’t stopped all opposition to the stadium project — Common Cause Georgia is still vowing to fight any use of hotel taxes tooth and nail — it’s certainly muted it. I don’t know what Blank is paying his lawyers who drew up that term sheet, but they’re clearly worth every penny.
The AJC is now confirming this, citing “documents obtained Tuesday by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.” Not that they needed them since all the same info was in the term sheet released weeks ago, but nice to have the confirmation regardless: