Cuomo: I’ll only fund a Bills stadium if it’s so totally worth it

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is drawing lines in the sand about a Buffalo Bills stadium again, saying he’ll only commit public funds if it’s really, really worth it:

“If we’re gonna ask the taxpayers for money then we want to be very clear about the terms and conditions and then the people will have decide at that time. I’ve done everything I can to reduce taxes, reduce state taxes, reduce property taxes so I am very cautious about anything that would cost more money.”


“Is it a stadium for a stadium or is it a stadium as part of a larger economic development complex that could be creating jobs and income?”


One reporter raised the issue of Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. Cuomo responded “That is a stand-alone stadium and that was the decision made as a stand-alone stadium. You could argue that Yankee Stadium brought development to a neighborhood but there are also stadiums that are done that are part of a larger economic development complex that will actually generate revenue. So they wind up being less expensive in the long run.”

Not to accuse the governor of my state of meaningless blather, but you’ll note that pretty much all of this comes down to “I’ll consider throwing public money at the Bills, but only if I can come up with a good cover story about ‘economic development.'” Cue the clear plastic binder!

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