U-T San Diego sold to LA Times, may actually be allowed to do real reporting on Chargers stadium again

Doug Manchester, the hotel baron who bought the San Diego Union-Tribune in 2011 and turned it into UT San Diego, along the way declaring that newspapers “need to be a cheerleader for what’s right and good for the country, such as promoting the new stadium,” has apparently decided to lead cheers in a different way, as he’s selling the paper to the owners of the L.A. Times for a bargain $85 million. (Manchester paid $110 million for the paper when he bought it.)

Clearly, this could have a huge impact on the Chargers stadium debates, if the U-T (which the Times may allow to have its old, non-stupid name back) now does some actual reporting on stadium plans, as the Times has been doing and doing well, instead of whatever the hell has been going on over at Manchester’s paper. Meanwhile, does this mean Tim Sullivan can have his old job back?

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6 comments on “U-T San Diego sold to LA Times, may actually be allowed to do real reporting on Chargers stadium again

  1. Tim Sullivan getting fired was the only good thing that came out of Manchester’s foray into newspaper mogul.

  2. Seems quite possible that the old name is coming back. The new publisher refers to the paper as the Union Tribune, not the UT in their welcome letter.


  3. Anytime a schmuck like Manchester loses $25m, it’s a good day.

    I hope those left at the Union Trib can now begin the healing process…

  4. Shameless cheerleading is really not good for business. We buy journalists and pols who at least claim some objectivity or fairness, even though our purchase of the result we desire is well in hand. Manchester thought he could slobber his way into our good graces – pffft! So sayonara Doug, you putz.

  5. John- while Manchester lost a few million on the paper itself, it was never his intention to make a lot of money off of it. He is set to make a fortune in the next few years by developing the land the paper sits on into condos or some other god awful development in already-crowded Mission Valley.

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