This has been a bit of an up-and-down year for this site — thanks to my Village Voice responsibilities, I’ve been more pressed for time than usual, which means the breadth of coverage here hasn’t been quite as sweeping as in the past. (If you’ve been waiting on the latest about plans for a new minor-league arena in Richmond, my apologies.) I’m tentatively hopeful for a saner work schedule in the coming months, so the posts here should be a bit more consistent going forward.
So with it being time for my biannual funding appeal, I’d like to offer supporters of this site something that is 1) special and 2) easy for me to fulfill, so you don’t end up waiting on me to find free time to learn how to silkscreen T-shirts or anything. (Brooklyn Wars Kickstarter backers, sorry about that.) And I think I’ve come up with something good: An updated version of the Field of Schemes coffee mug that I used to offer here for sale. I still need to finalize the design (CafePress redid their templates since I did this last, so I’m waiting on getting a sample first), but it’ll look something like this:
I have one of the originals in my cupboard, and I can vouch that it’s held up beautifully through hundreds of trips through the dishwasher. (If you can’t make out the quote, it’s economist Allen Sanderson’s classic “If you want to inject money into the local economy, it would be better to drop it from a helicopter than invest in a new ballpark.”)
Since these are a bit pricier to produce and ship, they’ll only be available to those who choose the $100 one-year full supporter level. For that, you’ll also get a Field of Schemes Supporter pin, a set of Field of Schemes stadium trading cards, an e-book copy of my 2016 book The Brooklyn Wars, and one year of ad space (running in rotation with other site supporters) in the top right corner of this page — provide your own 90×250-pixel ad, or talk to me and I’ll whip something up. And, of course, the knowledge that you’re supporting the work I do here, because those Google ads don’t really pay the bills.
Don’t have $100 to spare? That’s fine — you can also do a $50 six-month membership, and get everything above except the mug. Or a $25 one-year minisupporter membership, and get everything except the mug and the ad space.
Confused? Click here for a simple list of the goodies you receive at each member level. Or just look in your wallet, see how much spare change you have, and then click the appropriate button below. I’m appreciative for anything you can give — and for those who can’t give anything, thanks for continuing to read and comment and share and give purpose to this site. I like to think it’s had at least some impact over the last — wait, has it really been almost 20 years? Crap, I’d better come up with some really cool swag for 2018…
Congrats on the Village Voice post. Goes to show…another Brooklyn Kid done good
Not trying to blow smoke or anything, but to me the site has been just as good as ever. Plenty of updates, all that. Great insights. Great site.
Good job, Neil.
Thanks! In that case, I’ll continue mailing it in — er, I mean, make it better than ever!