Friday roundup: Panthers’ record sale price goosed by public money, Beckham stadium delayed yet again, Rams stadium really will cost $4B-plus

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6 comments on “Friday roundup: Panthers’ record sale price goosed by public money, Beckham stadium delayed yet again, Rams stadium really will cost $4B-plus

  1. 5B, how quickly the days of 0.5 to 1 billion being shockingly high have been blown through.

    1. A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon we’re talking about real money.


    Vague statements and anonymous sources, but still interesting. Sprint Center seems to run a profitable business without a permanent tenant.

    1. Uh. Wow. That would be a financially horrible idea.

      That area is so college basketball crazy the team will need to go on a one month road trip in March to keep the Sprint center open for college basketball. It’s part of the reason the Kings left. A NBA would be just gasping for any attention especially if they’re just mid teir.

      1. “Seattle and KC to me are most valuable markets for league expansion when it makes sense,” says unnamed guy who works somewhere in the NBA and has no grasp on English grammar.

        1. I kind if read that as a warning to the other cities with NBA teams, “Nice team you have here, would be a shame if something happened to it.”

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