Phoenix residents’ hate is so strong that council delays Suns arena vote to let them express it

Okay, I didn’t see this coming:

The Phoenix City Council is expected to delay a vote on a $230 million Talking Stick Resort Arena renovation following backlash from the community.

The council was slated to vote on the deal, which could keep the Phoenix Suns in downtown until 2042, Wednesday afternoon. But the council will now likely vote to delay the final vote until Jan. 23, allowing Mayor Thelda Williams to host two additional community meetings to solicit feedback before the council decision, according to city sources.

I mean, why do you even plan to rush through a vote to avoid public scrutiny, if you’re then going to turn around and delay the vote so there can be more public scrutiny?

The Arizona Republic report doesn’t say, but it sure sounds like Mayor Williams was having a hard time getting the needed six votes on the nine-member council, especially after news broke that Phoenix residents hate the arena funding plan with a fiery, all-consuming passion. More on this in the coming days, I’m sure.

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4 comments on “Phoenix residents’ hate is so strong that council delays Suns arena vote to let them express it

  1. Phoenix Suns arena deal doesn’t have the votes needed to pass (for now, at least)

    Whether [Phoenix Mayor Thelda] Williams gets a continuance or not could mark the beginning of a showdown between the city and Suns owner Robert Sarver, who is telling some council members that he will take the team to Seattle or Las Vegas.

  2. I lived in Phoenix and Mesa and the truth is not many people care about the Suns. They are far behind the Cardinals, ASU and tbe Diamondbacks in fan interest. That said, this is the latest example of people saying NO to corporate welfare. You just saw what happened with the Tampa Bay Rays, Philadelphia saying NO to Temple, and the outrage over Amazon HQ2. I wonder if we are seeing the beginning of the end of corporate welfare in this country? I really hope so.

    1. People have been saying no to corporate welfare for as long as it’s existed. Politicians saying no would be another story.

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