Friday roundup: Ex-D.C. mayor says his $534m Nats stadium expense was worth it, Clippers arena stymied by car trouble, MLS franchise fees to go even higher

Shouldn’t posting items more regularly during the week leave less news to round up on Fridays? I’m pretty sure that’s how it’s supposed to work, but here I am on Friday with even more browser tabs open than usual, and I’m sure someone is still going to complain that I left out, say, the latest on arena site discussions in Saskatoon. I guess lemme type really fast and see how many I can get through before my fingers fall off:


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16 comments on “Friday roundup: Ex-D.C. mayor says his $534m Nats stadium expense was worth it, Clippers arena stymied by car trouble, MLS franchise fees to go even higher

  1. The temperature of the implied take that Smoltz in the booth is more off-putting than the insufferable Joe Buck, is very, very hot.

  2. The Portland Diamond Project has a world series watch party. 1200 showed up. Well I think that is newsworthy

    1. Uh, no. Hopefully, you’re kidding.

      The fact it is called the “World Series” when only one nation, of the 197 on the planet, is participating is ignorant at worst and arrogant at best (especially given 11 other nations play baseball in organized leagues).

      1. I was gonna suggest that you take up your concerns with the ignorant and arrogant folks who decided to call it the World Series – but they’ve all been dead for about a century.

        But keep fighting the good fight, their insensitivity should not go unchallenged!

    2. The Portland MSA population is 2.2 million, so 0.05% of residents showing up to watch a game isn’t really newsworthy.

      1. Well you got me good on that one. Canada!

        Good to know no other country is left out. Well maybe, Cuba. But no other country other than Cuba. Okay, maybe the Dominican Republic. But no other countries. Okay, okay. Maybe Japan. And Mexico. But definitely no other countries. Panama, Puerto Rico (I know, not a country), South Korea, Taiwan (I know, UN doesn’t consider Taiwan a country) and Venezuela. But that is definitely it. Colombia and Nicaragua in 2020. But no other countries.

        Glad we cleared that one up!

  3. I smell another Forbes franchise valuation curve!

    It’s not that many years ago that the Galaxy – then actually a good on field product – was the first MLS team to break the $100m value barrier.

    Today (or more accurately, 11 months ago when the linked article was written), playing in the same stadium with a largely diminished roster (yes, Zlatan but beyond that?) they are worth north of $300m?


    In a business model where existing franchises are rarely sold and expansion ones are handed out like candy, it is hard to put a true FMV on any example. Precourt paid $68m for the Crew in 2013 (around $10m more than DC United sold for the year earlier). The Haslams and Pete Edwards paid $150m to buy them last December (not clear how much of that went to PSV and how much to the league… there was a complex “expansion franchise default swap” involved).

    So HSG’s initial investment ($5m) plus stadium costs ($30m, give or take) appreciated to $68m in 2013 and $150m in 2018?

    Based on net revenue of errrrmmmm-tough-to-say?

    What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    1. Well done.

  4. The Bucks are suckers. Get a sponsorship for this cup holders. Also, I want to see that patent. Can you really just make something slightly larger and then apply for a patent?

    1. When the SF Giants opened PAC Bell Park in 2000, every cup holder had an ad for WebVan, who of course went out of business right away.
      It was cheaper to leave the ads on the cup holder than remove them, so the WebVan cup holders stuck around for a while.

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