Friday roundup: Sports remains mostly dead, but train subsidies and bizarre vaportecture live on

It’s been a long, long week for many reasons, so let’s get straight to the news if that’s okay:

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9 comments on “Friday roundup: Sports remains mostly dead, but train subsidies and bizarre vaportecture live on

  1. You could always start a “Pouletsir” prize… such an undistinguished award would not need an annual stipend, of course. In fact, you could send the winner an invoice for the damage they have caused to journalism generally through their work.

    Maybe the best part of the robot/lifelike fan plan in South Korea is that they are apparently going to have the robot fans maintain social distance rules despite their (I’m guessing here…) inability to breath, contract or transmit any respiratory or other virus.

    Speaking of unused tickets: If anyone is interested in Seattle Dragons memorabilia… It’s not that I lack faith. I know Vince will be back. I just also know that he won’t be honoring 2020 season tickets…

  2. That people mover is going to be pretty much useless. It is only envisioned to connect to the middle of the under construction Crenshaw line, which itself doesn’t really go anywhere and is just a connector between the Green and Expo (E) lines.

    Also, more broadly, it’s absurd that we don’t just adopt European and Japanese practices and policies for building rail lines. They do it much better and for a lot less money per mile than we do.

  3. I know this technically was before pandemic end times but wasn’t former Texans ballpark going to be converted into office space for Six Flags? How exactly would that work.

    The insides are office space but the outsides are still a functional football field? What?

    1. There’s already an office building in center field of the old ballpark — I think the Rangers had their offices there.

  4. The Sacramento Kings have found a way to make money from their shuttered practice center during this pandemic – $500,000 per month for a “donation”: (

  5. That suit against MLB and the Mets is patently bogus — the Mets website shows they are playing at home tomorrow night, and all scheduled games thereafter.

  6. Yay! A class action suit for ticket refunds! You will get 1 free ticket per 10 tickets you bought this year to a season 5 years from now when case is finally settled while the attorneys collect $100 million. Sounds like a great idea!

    Teams are stupid not to just honor refunds. The dates have substantially changed. It is not a rain out or playing a few days later. This is a difference of months if the games are actually played infronta fan at all.

    1. If nothing else, people may think twice about advance purchases of tickets, especially for a regular season game that may be “flexed” from day to night or the possibility of sitting through a 3 hour rain delay. Better off waiting for the day of game before committing to purchase.

    2. About a month ago I was supposed to be travelling for work. I booked my tickets weeks in advance (before CV19 is thought to have affected anywhere other than China), then waited.

      On the day I was supposed to travel, I got an email saying they had cancelled my flight. I rebooked on an alternate they offered. Then they cancelled that. Finally, on the fourth attempt they booked me onto a flight that would result in a 6 hour layover in an airport packed with international travellers… I rejected that option for obvious reasons.

      No refund. Airline says they will put the money in my “travel bank” – which I do not have, btw – and if I don’t use it within 2 years (less additional fees for “maintaining” my forced deposit funds), they will keep it. This despite laying off nearly half of their staff including 1/3rd of their pilots. I sense the executive compensation program at this particular airline will have to be augmented to help the company reward senior management for their stirling work during this crisis.

      Professional sports teams aren’t the only businesses cutting their own throats these days.

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