Friday roundup: Sacramento faces cuts to pay arena debt, Henderson approves arena debt, music festival to be held in phantom Yankee Stadium parking lot

Sorry, getting a late start today, let’s get straight to the news without delay:

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5 comments on “Friday roundup: Sacramento faces cuts to pay arena debt, Henderson approves arena debt, music festival to be held in phantom Yankee Stadium parking lot

  1. Great qu ote from the sex dolls article. “…reviewing the case, league officials accepted FC Seoul’s claim that it did not know the mannequins were sex toys, but said it “could have easily recognised their use using common sense and experience”.

  2. Your Bundesliga Virus reporter checking in!

    Ok, 2.BL Dynamo Dresden has officially been in quarantine and were going to have to cancel 2 games. Now they have another player (and another staff member) test positive just as they were about to be let out of quarantine. In a sure sign that the strict protocols are already loosening they are going to be allowed to practice tomorrow anyway! The recent positives will undergo individual quarantine.

    I am sure no one cares about the 3.BL but it has been the most dramatic, chaotic, and dis-unified of all. Kaiserslautern (who was in the top league very recently) had some positive tests as well but part of the loosening protocol means that they need to test positive twice because of the very real issue of false positives (false negatives too but nobody seems concerned about that right now). Anyway, their positives retested as negatives so they are good to go. The 3.BL will resume May 31st (maybe–who knows people keep fighting about it) and have to play two games a week til mid July. Some 3.BL clubs only have one person on medical staff so one of the teams was not allowed full practice because their doctor thought testing everyone was too much work (I assume that is sorted now but it was an interesting story last week).

    The original Bundesliga protocol was very detailed about who could be at games and noted only 210 people would be in and around stadia during games (less for 2.BL). I saw that BBC reported “around 300” so I wonder if that is just lazy reporting or the protocol is officially loosening already. The US press has been rightly impressed with a lot of the details the Bundesliga did get right but I got wonder about the ways in which each “copy” of the situation will get one or more fewer details right.
    Bundesliga finally has gotten cut-outs printed so there will be substantial amounts of cardboard fans at the games this weekend.
    (If you want a great MLS story you need to Google “Tinus van Teunenbroek”).

  3. Here’s another article about how Arlington residents may have to shoulder a larger burden for stadium debt than initially expected due to COVID-19:

    1. Actually the same burden but with less revenue available to cover it, but yeah, I get your point.

  4. Another situation with the public having the same large burden but less revenue to pay for it (paywalled):

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