Friday roundup: What if a stadium tax break fell in the forest and there were no journalists around to hear?

Sorry if the posts were a bit light this week, but, one, it’s August (checks — yep, August, holy crap) and local governments are mostly out of session so it’s usually a slow month for stadium news even during what we used to call normal times, and two, I’ve been spending some time working on an FoS-related project that hopefully you will all enjoy the benefits of down the road a bit. (I also took a brief break to write about how Melbourne, Australia has declared a “state of disaster” and imposed strict new lockdown measures for virus rates that in the U.S. wouldn’t even get states to ban house parties.) If you were really missing me chiming in on the latest in baseball not shutting down just yet and instead adding a billion doubleheaders, maybe I’ll get around to a longer post on it next week.

For now, a quick tour through some of the news items that didn’t make the full-item cut this week:

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2 comments on “Friday roundup: What if a stadium tax break fell in the forest and there were no journalists around to hear?

  1. Non sports economists have been saying for quite some time that teams like Washington to could make far more money by changing their dubious names than they could by clinging to them: especially if they find god so thoroughly in the process that they ban the display of all the old merchandise at their stadia.

    Cha ching!

    And MLB players struggling through life with no clubhouse couches… oh man, let’s take up a collection so these poor underprivileged millionaires don’t have to play fortnite in their luxury SUVs….

    Whatever happened to bean bag “chairs”, anyway?

    1. MLB players really have a thing about sofas as an indicator of human worth, for some reason:

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