Friday roundup: More Jaguars move threats, more bad convention center spending, time is an endless loop of human folly

It’s Friday again! And December, how did that happen? “Passage of time,” what manner of witchcraft are you speaking of? Time is an eternal, unchanging present of toil and suffering under the grip of unending plagues! Thus has it ever been!

This notwithstanding, there was some news this week, though in keeping with the theme, it looks an awful lot like the news every week:

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6 comments on “Friday roundup: More Jaguars move threats, more bad convention center spending, time is an endless loop of human folly

  1. The Ferris wheel in the photos looks a little large to be the one on the roof of the City Museum in downtown St. Louis, but maybe it is…

    1. It’s supposed to be the wheel at Union Station, which it doesn’t really look like either, but is maybe as close as the clip art could get.

  2. Of course, in florida, there’s no need to play outside (okay to be fair, it would be nearly impossible with the weather anyway), because the governor has re-opened all sporting events to full capacity!


  3. Even at its best that Hamilton County sales tax -> property tax switcheroo is pretty ugly. It takes sales tax revenue — a regressive tax that falls disproportionally on the poor — and redistributes that money through a property tax rebate based on how expensive a property you own. That’s some real reverse Robin Hood stuff

  4. Jacksonville city council discussing the merits of handing a billionaire several hundred million dollars to renovate a stadium and build ancillary commercial development (that will just cannibalize sales from other local developments) to make a sports team he owns more profitable rather than just voting to do it?

    If that isn’t the malign influence of creeping communism I don’t know what is…

    Next thing you know the government will be expecting billionaires to submit to audits or actually appear in court when issued a subpoena. What is the world coming to?

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