Donate to FoS and get your own Cab-Hailing Purse Woman art print, for real

The firehose of stadium news doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to stop — yes, I am aware of Maryland’s plan to fund $400 million in development around the Washington Commanders stadium and the various Oakland A’s stadium lawsuits, we’ll get to those in the Friday roundup if not before then — but in the meantime I have a long-awaited announcement to share. I have been promising you all that I had a premium in the works for Field of Schemes backers that would either be the best or the stupidest ever, or maybe both, and now it can be revealed:

Yes, that is a quadriptych of Cab-Hailing Purse Woman, star of stadium renderings everywhere, in four of her many guises. And it’s not just a fridge magnet this time: “Vaportecture” is a limited-edition hand-numbered art print (or at least as close to an art print as the copy shop near my house can supply) that will only be available to the first 100 paying FoS supporters. (If you’re a Patreon backer at the $5/month and up level, you’ll receive it automatically in the mail, whether you like it or not.) After that, it will be gone forever. Think of it as like an NFT, only one that doesn’t destroy the planet quite so much and that you have to find a 6″-by-6″ frame for!

To become one of the lucky few to possess this rare heirloom/bizarre work of Photoshop, click here to either make a one-time donation or become a continuing monthly subscriber. You’ll also get the heartwarming knowledge that you’re supporting the work of this site, but really, do you even need that when there’s a friggin’ art print of Cab-Hailing Purse Woman with your name on it? You do not, that was a rhetorical question, just click the link already. Operators are standing by!

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9 comments on “Donate to FoS and get your own Cab-Hailing Purse Woman art print, for real

  1. Actually I’m proud of you for not covering the Oakland lawsuits. They are going to be a headache for the A’s but they are non-story stories. The stories come out when the A’s have a LV site selected and the have POLs on the record saying we are interested. Other than that just a waste of time

    1. Dave Kaval is freaking out about it and saber-rattling, but I guess Dave Kaval does that every time the sun goes behind a cloud. “People file lawsuit against EIS” isn’t that much of a story on its own, agreed, as I can’t think of a single EIS that didn’t lead to a lawsuit by somebody, and they almost never go anywhere.

      1. Lawsuits make for easy copy because the lawyers often say things that sound very definitive and very damning that can be easily quoted and then used in a attention-grabbing headline.

  2. Alright! I am totally in on this.

    In addition to being hand numbered, would you consider signing them “Andy Warhol”? Even if you want to intentionally misspell the name, it would still be great…

  3. Uh oh.

    Better get (all) those stadium deals signed in a hurry Dave!
    (and everyone else).

    1. Good gravy, that windbag Matthew Walther is at it again?

      I’m still trying to wrap my head over missives like. “Dave Portnoy is the future of the conservative movement”

      1. I know, right? I mean, like we don’t all know that when MLB is nationalized it will be put under DHS or maybe directly under Space Force…

      2. He might be. That doesn’t speak well for either him or the conservative movement, of course.

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