While we have a brief respite from major sports swindle news — everyone getting ready for the holiday? too busy on the Twitter death watch? — I’d like to remind everyone that this site exists thanks to the kindnesses of many strangers, who chip in either one-time or monthly donations to pay hosting expenses and keep me getting up early in the mornings to report on the day’s latest shenanigans. Huge thanks for all of you who have supported this site over the years; if you would like to join (or re-join) the special few, rest assured that you’ll receive your appreciation not just in messages like this from me, but in more tangible form:
- I still have a few Vaportecture art prints left for those who donate at either the $25 one-time or $5/month level. If you can say no to this, you are made of stronger stuff than me:
If you don’t have a full set of the latest batch of FoS refrigerator magnets, I have a few of those left as well.
- Monthly donors via Patreon at the $5 level get any new tchotchkes as I come up with them. (I have an idea for one I’m working on for the new year.) And all monthly donors at any level get all FoS material in their email box each morning, including bonus content like special interviews. (More of those in the works for 2023 as well.)
- Those ads you see on the right-hand side of this page, assuming you’re reading it on a computer and not on your phone? Those are for donors at the higher levels, and can promote anything you want! (I retain the right to reject ads that are super-offensive, but that hasn’t happened yet.)
Plus, of course, the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing you’re supporting my work, not just here but in places like radio interviews. (Here’s my latest from Friday from Kansas City’s NPR station, discussing the Royals‘ stadium plans alongside New York Times architecture critic Paul Goldberger.)
To sign up as a monthly Patreon donor, click here. To make a one-time payment, go here and scroll down to the payment form.
Thanks, and we will return to our regularly scheduled stadium news tomorrow, assuming something newsworthy happens by then, which we all know it will.
Oh, wow, I can’t resist the “warm, fuzzy feeling” of being one of “the special few” pitch! Neil, use this power only for good!
Plus I’m becoming obsessed with “Lady Hailing Cab.”
Where is she going? Did she enjoy the game? Is she fleeing a crime scene?
Is she single?
I’m in for 5 small a month.
I will visit my bank this afternoon…..