Friday roundup: Bengals naming rights deal called “(XXX)” and other titillating stadium commentary

Well, that was certainly another week. Thanks to all who engaged in the spirited comment debates about Garth Brooks an Andy Zimbalist and other celebrity stadium experts, and thanks also to all who responded to my latest fundraising appeal — I look forward to a productive weekend of mailing out Cab-Hailing Lady art prints.

But first, we have more news for the roundup to round up:

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5 comments on “Friday roundup: Bengals naming rights deal called “(XXX)” and other titillating stadium commentary

  1. I believe there is far more justification for subsidizing pecan logs and other pecan products than there is for sports subsidies.

    Not that I think either one SHOULD be subsidized, but if we are going to give money away to something, let’s give money to something that’s delicious.

    I mean, go lick the seats at a new NFL or MLB stadium. Then have some pecan log. Or pecan pie. There’s really just no comparison. And don’t get me started on how MLS stadium seats taste.

  2. Buenas tardes, encantado de saludarte. Soy Jose
    Quería escribirte porque me ha parecido interesante comentar contigo la posibilidad de que tu negocio aparezca cada mes en periódicos digitales como noticia para posicionar en los primeros lugares de internet, es decir, con artículos reales dentro del periódico que no se marcan como publicidad y que no se borran.
    La noticia es publicada por más de cuarenta periódicos de gran autoridad para mejorar el posicionamiento de tu web y la reputación.

    ¿Podrías facilitarme un teléfono para ofrecerte un mes gratuito?

  3. “I certainly didn’t think the Bengals would act unilaterally and just do whatever the hell they wanted,” says municipality whose elected officials voted for the Let The Bengals Do Whatever The Hell They Want Act of 1996 (sfter which at least one of said electeds went to work for the team).

  4. Even for you, sir, this is dark. Hence, great. But it is very dark. Oh, well, it’s not like ProPublica specializes in “firefighters hugging puppies” stories.

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