Friday roundup: Mets casino gets bill, Angels deal lurches from grave, news outlets everywhere need editing help, stat

Thanks to everyone for helping us make it through another week! (I’m assuming here that it’s you readers who someone make time progress; I don’t actually know that much about science.)

Here’s what’s been happening that we haven’t talked about yet:

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15 comments on “Friday roundup: Mets casino gets bill, Angels deal lurches from grave, news outlets everywhere need editing help, stat

  1. Who are the KC Current Neil? Lower division soccer? That bar rendering is a lot nicer than anything we have here at the Quakes cheaply constructed PayPal Park ;(

  2. In a video game (Horizon Zero Dawn) where machines wipe out humans in 2066 by consuming them for fuel, robot dinosaurs, and an AI that terraforms earth in the year 3000 to bring back life, the most unrealistic part is the Broncos current stadium was never replaced with a new one and exists in game as a ruin.

    1. Yeah, that’s not realistic at all. I mean the stadium part. The rest sounds like a strikingly rational solution to both stadium funding scams and climate change.

  3. I am betting that Moreno offers LESS than the $150m plus envelopes filled with ‘campaign’ cash this time around.

    After all, who has suffered more from all this than Arte? Oh yes, the guy who took the bribe/money… but still, I mean, we have to remain focused on what is really important here…and that is that a billionaire gains control of a public asset for far less than fair market value – if not free.

    If we can’t make that happen, I mean what is an America (or Canada, it seems) even for?

  4. Everytime a new generation comes along they will use/view entertainment in different ways, especially with how quickly technology is advancing. This is a never ending 25ish year spin cycle and they’ll be doing it again and again and again.

      1. Just thinking about how every 25 years were going to be asked to pay for a giant building that only a small percentage can utilize.

        1. Oh, sure. But that doesn’t have much to do with technology — even if there were no advances in wifi or high-definition screens or what have you, team owners would still be arguing for new buildings on the basis of “the cupholders need replacing.”

  5. VERY lazy reporting, extreme hyperbole, and bad editing on headlines is the bain of our existence currently.

    It’s sad that reporting has sunk to this level.

    Whatever happened to journalism and using the 5 Ws to tell your story?

    1. Well, there used to be a person for each W but now there’s only one and a part-tkme copy editor who also has to run the printing press…..

  6. Well, you knew Steve Cohen would get pushed off the sports owner front page somehow…

    And wouldn’t it be just like the Coyotes to do it?

    More great moments in proofreading:

    “Barroway is now under a court order that prohibits him from having any contact with his wife, except when it comes to matters involving their children and consuming alcohol, per the report.”


  7. Ground was officially broken for the new Indy Fuel arena, but per usual, the “ground” actually being broken was purely ceremonial.

  8. “Isn’t that rather a lot of drinks that the couple in the left corner of this Kansas City Current stadium bar rendering are drinking?”

    I think that explains the lightheaded blitzed little can’t stop grinning look on the lady’s face in a I-Don’t-Know-Where-Am sort of way.

  9. What’s funny about that Cleveland Councilman (and for the most part I respect his work) is that one year after he won re-election. At the end of the Council term he “resigned” so that he could start collecting his pension and then began his new term so he could collect both his regular salar and his pension. So him talking about taxpayer money is kind of ironic.

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