While the eyes of the sports world — and certainly my eyes — were on Las Vegas yesterday, Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan snuck in the release of a rendering video for his planned stadium renovations and surrounding entertainment district, a project that would cost between $1.75 billion and $2.068 billion overall, and cost city taxpayers between $800 million and $934 million. Behold, the “stadium of the future”!
Sorry, wrong video. That should have been:
Screenshot time!
A bold choice to illustrate your “vision” with blurry text, 100%.
This image of the renovated Jaguars stadium literally puts the “shiny” in “Oooh, shiny!” No idea what the redesigned stadium exterior will be made of — Mylar? liquid mercury? — but you will absolutely be able to see your reflection in it in disturbing detail.
The Sims that the Jaguars have chosen to populate their stadium with are awfully inattentive to the game, not to mention missing important body parts in many cases.
The forest of Tinkertoys spread across the top of the stadium will hold up a roof that will only partly cover fans, unless the Jaguars plan to use some as-yet-unrevealed invisible substance (transparent aluminum?) that will require all those support rods.
Just imagine how excited those fans will be once the game has actually started!
But won’t there be any…
Fireworks! Everybody drink.
What … what is depicted on the ceiling of this stadium club? Did Jon Bois finally achieve his dream of taking over the NFL and populating it with body-horror homunculi? I’m sorry, I can’t look anymore.
Like all vaportecture, this is designed primarily to distract us from the hard numbers, so let’s return to those: Between $1.3 billion and $1.4 billion just for renovations, plus that $550-668 million surrounding “sports district,” with between $875 million and $1.034 billion coming from the city of Jacksonville. Jaguars team president Mark Lamping called this “significantly less than if we would have built a new stadium,” which is another form of misdirection, as it is also significantly more than if they just kept playing in their old stadium, which was built in 1995 and renovated three times since then, most recently in 2016.
That is expensive.
Gotta like a guy who can reference one of the best TV skits of all time. Now I’ll be looking to see how you work in a clip of Lucy and the chocolates.
Ooh, a challenge…
Along with a well-spotted Breaking Madden
Jacksonville has top shelf healthcare?
Guess the local citizens will need it after they open their tax bills and all have strokes…..
And higher education? Checks notes. University of north Florida is it?
And considering the other comments about a growing market. Well…
Jax is just under a Million residents. By comparison, south Florida (the market for sports is the entire area, though most are Miami based) is about 3x that.
Jax was the 46th largest market for sports in 2021 (which I guess is good, considering they only have the jaguars) while Miami was #18
Placing a value on that is tricky.
But hey. An owner can dream bigly!
You’re confusing “market for sports” with Nielsen TV market rankings. Nielsen currently has Miami as DMA 18 and Jacksonville as DMA 41. At least Jax supports the Jaguars thick and thin, unlike Miami which tends to favor front-runners.
Good catch. And also very true about Miami.
My brother & I are both UNF alumni. It’s a good school, with beautiful natural grounds and some good NCAA teams. However, it & other colleges like JU could be far more attractive schools if the city was investing more in them and less in Khan & Lamping’s whimsies.
Commuter Colleges just aren’t appealing, and with the COL here skyrocketing, renting nearby is going to dissuade at least some students from attending if they don’t have family here.
Chef of the future for the win
Since this is the Jaguars, the new stadium is in London, right?
Based on the physics depicted in the renderings, it may not be part of our universe.
I just can’t stop looking at the interior bar scene. What are the people at left sitting on? It looks like stairs or some sort of stage. And the scale on all the clip art people is so inconsistent it’s all I can see.
Yeah, liquid metal. Sorry, I mean “Liqvid mehdul”. Cyberdyne systems has to be doing something meaningful these days now that the T-1000 is, you know, everywhere.
And with the entire roof effectively an artificial lifeform, owners can finally achieve a long held goal – charging you more to leave the stadium than they charged you to enter it.
I particularly like the loges and viewing platform shown that appear to block any possible view of the field. Maybe the barricades can be lowered when the fans/hostages agree to an extra tier of pricing so they can get a view of the whole field?
Can it core a apple?
Got to pay for AEW somehow.
On Franklin St. four blocks above Daily’s Place, which is essentially AEW Amphitheatre, people often wake up to bullets flying through their house. I can’t wait for more of these “economic benefits” the Khans talk about every time they want to collect tribute from the city.