Friday roundup: Vegas A’s lobbyists used loophole to duck registering as lobbyists, Bears stadium plan sparks mayoral recall effort

It was a short week due to the placement of the holiday, but still there was news that demands recapping:

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15 comments on “Friday roundup: Vegas A’s lobbyists used loophole to duck registering as lobbyists, Bears stadium plan sparks mayoral recall effort

  1. More to the point with Soloviev, what’s going to happen now that he’s heard the word “no” from the other side? Because I’m not sure there’s another word in the English language that billionaires hate hearing more than that one.

  2. The Rays hardly get almost get 17k in their stadium. Is it a new promotion? Go to the game and get a job.

  3. Does Harris want to build a stadium in DC and use Virginia for leverage or is it the other way around?

    I haven’t heard Maryland is really in the picture. They probably aren’t going to build another stadium anywhere near where FedEx is. Everyone hates that location. And Maryland is already supporting another NFL team.

    1. I’m not 100% certain. When the issue of VA legislature support came up in the last 1-2 years, the pols backed down from their public support pretty quickly.

      But I do know the reason that the use of the RFK site wouldn’t be a land sale is because that land is federal property. It has nothing to do with Josh Harris wanting to pay or not pay property taxes.

      1. Well, there’s nothing stopping Congress from saying “If you want to build a stadium on the property, you gotta buy it.” (Or from requiring payments in lieu of taxes, for that matter, which I guess is still possible.)

        1. How about the fact that Congress can’t do anything these days so they probably aren’t going to take up an NFL stadium?

  4. St Petersburg could generate millions of jobs by dropping billions of hundred dollar bills from a helicopter. Oops, Argentina tried that and now the peso is worth 1/600th of what it was 20 years ago. Rebuilding a baseball stadium is going to generate 17,000 jobs when gate attendance is barely 10,000 for 81 dates? This report must have come from the science fiction section.

    1. But the new stadium will be all the way on the other side of the drainage ditch and smaller, so of course it will generate thousands of jobs! Also, I have three bridges across Tampa Bay that I’d like to sell you.


        Sorry, forgot the link above.

  5. Hey Neil! Politico just reported the Orioles have hired lobbyists (Cornerstone Government Affairs John Bohanan) to lobby the federal government for cash to renovate “their stadium and surrounding areas.”

    Their looking for an infrastructure, transportation and homeland security investment from Uncle Sam.
    Go where the money is I guess.

  6. Here’s an article that looks at the economic impact “study” for the Rays stadium including a link to the actual report.

    Spoiler alert: it’s as much BS as you expected.

    1. Here’s the link…

      1. Thanks for that – and as far as the mainstream media goes, that was a pretty fair job of reporting.

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